With a portfolio of 200+ completed projects and a total accumulated power of more than 30 MW, LENIUM business group is a leading project management firm in the renewable energy sector and in R&D (Research and Development).
We manage and execute our renewable energy projects in their entirety, from conception to completion, through technical development, obtaining permits and licenses, turnkey execution, O&M (operation and maintenance), and financing.
Our goal is to make international renewable energy projects possible.
Our deep knowledge of the RE sector at international level as well as the extensive trajectory of our members with more than 25 years of experience, allows us to offer fully integrated solutions for the successful implementation of renewable energy projects for self-consumption, self-production, sale in net or sale to industrialists.
Our business model focuses on maximizing profitability for our clients and investors, ensuring a return in the short and medium term. We focus on renewable energy generation projects and those that make more efficient use of energy. In addition, it focuses on water cycle improvement projects and projects for waste reuse.
Our investment in research and development over the years has allowed us to acquire relevant patents as well as significant advances and improvements both in technical aspects and in terms of competitiveness.
At LENIUM, we carry out R&D programs in collaboration with public institutions (research centers, laboratories, and universities) in Spain and internationally, especially in Africa and the MENA region.

L’UIR et Lenium conçoivent des centrales photovoltaïques
«L’UIR (Université internationale de Rabat) et Lenium sont en train de promouvoir une centrale pilote d’une capacité de 2MW sur le site de technopolis sur Rabat, la première au Maroc qui sera équipée des suiveurs solaires intégrés». L’annonce a été faite à l’issue de...
L’université de Rabat transfert ses innovations aux industriels
Une fois encore, l’Université internationale de Rabat (UIR) vient de prouver que seule la R&D est la clé de l’innovation. En effet, le leader national en matière de recherche avec plus de 150 brevets vient de de sceller un partenariat stratégique avec deux...
L’UIR s’engage dans le développement de l’industrie «Made in Morocco»
L’Université internationale de Rabat, leader national en matière d’innovation avec plus de 150 brevets, vient de sceller un partenariat stratégique avec deux entreprises Espagnoles: LENIUM WORLD et Trackers FEINA, pour co-développer un Tracker Solaire* «Made in...
Partners with whom we collaborate: